Woodhaven School
COVID Policies
September 9, 2022
First and foremost, while Woodhaven School cannot guarantee a risk free environment, these policies and practices set forward by the Board are intended to help provide as safe an environment as possible in accordance with the most recent data available. We thank you for your willingness and flexibility as we navigate this new variant. Our primary goal with these policies is to build a clear framework for us to operate together as a community towards the common goal of remaining open and eventually returning to the indoor classroom.
At times, COVID-19 recommendations can shift rapidly and our volunteer Board pledges to update our guidelines as information changes.
We also ask that our community agree to adhere to the policies outlined below.
For the purpose of this document the terms below are defined as follows:
Exposure: Any close proximity with a COVID-19 case (less than six feet) for longer than 15 cumulative minutes in a 24-hour period. It is also considered an exposure if the individual is present in school during the 2 days before a positive test or showing symptoms.
Fully Vaccinated: An individual who has received a booster or received a second dose of Pfizer or Moderna within the past 6 months or received the initial dose of Johnson & Johnson within the past two months.
Household Members: Includes anyone living or present in the household on a regular basis (e.g. houseguests, nannies, caregivers, home health workers, contractors, etc.) and includes anyone with pick up or drop off privileges at the school.
Isolation/Quarantine: Any child exhibiting symptoms of illness but not testing positive for COVID-19 should be kept home at least 2 (calendar) days. Individuals with a positive COVID-19 test result must stay at home for 5 (calendar) days. Upon returning to school, the child will be encouraged to wear a mask for 5 additional days. There will be no isolation requirement for an individual with a known COVID exposure who has not had symptoms of a respiratory illness or a positive COVID test result. However, if your child is exposed to someone who has tested positive, we ask that you consider the extent of the exposure and determine if sending your child to school is in the best interest of the greater community of our cooperative.
Fever (temperature of 100.4 or higher)
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Cough, sore throat
Chills, fatigue
New loss of taste or smell
Headache, muscle or body aches
New nasal congestion or runny nose
Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
Test: If possible, a COVID-19 test should be a valid PCR, lab verified test. These tests are available for free at several locations. A list of free PCR testing sources is provided here. These lab tests have the highest reliability in detecting COVID, which allows us to be less concerned about false positives or false negatives. While we prefer a PCR test, due to current shortages in lab verified PCR tests, a lab verified rapid antigen test is also acceptable.
Unvaccinated or Not Fully Vaccinated: An individual who does not meet the qualifications to be Fully Vaccinated.
If an individual has severe symptoms, please contact your health care provider and/or seek care immediately.
For clarification on the symptoms listed above, please seek medical advice; one resource is through the ODE ELD Nurse hotline 1-833-647-8222 (available seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.). They can provide help with:
Symptoms or health concerns
Questions about excluding children and teachers
Steps to take if someone is positive for COVID-19
Should the requirements in “Return to School” require you to wear a mask, you must wear a mask following those guidelines.
Outside: No mask requirement. Staff, volunteers and children may choose to wear a mask if desired.
Inside: Masking indoors will be OPTIONAL unless Washington County reports that COVID-19 transmission levels are HIGH (as posted on the Oregon Health Authority’s website). When transmission levels are HIGH, masking for adults indoors is strongly recommended aligning with the current masking guidance from the CDC.
While seated at the picnic tables, we will try to spread out as much as possible, utilizing the space we have.
In line with the most recent CDC guidelines and recommendations for K-12 schools, specific guidelines for quarantine are outlined as follows:
1: Positive Test Result: Any individual with a positive COVID test result must be quarantined for 10 days and be symptom free for 24 hours without medication. Have another test administered on day 10, if possible.
2: COVID exposure or COVID symptoms:
Fully Vaccinated Adults: After exposure or symptoms, quarantine for 5 days. Have a test administered on day 5, if possible. If symptoms are gone, then wear a tightly fitted mask for an additional 5 days.
Unvaccinated or Not Fully Vaccinated Adults and all Children: After exposure or symptoms, quarantine for 10 days. Have a test administered on day 5, if possible.
3: Household Illness: In an effort to minimize and prevent the spread of COVID-19 we ask that if your child or a household member is presenting with COVID-19 symptoms, your child cannot attend school while the child or household member is sick. It is recommended that you test 2-3 days after symptoms develop.
4: Household Quarantine: If a household member has been told to quarantine, your preschool child cannot attend school, regardless of symptoms. Since most of our preschoolers are not able to be vaccinated, it must be assumed that if one person in the household could have COVID, everyone in the household could have COVID.
In the event your child tests positive for COVID, please report the case to the school for contact tracing and tracking of the isolation period. A reporting form can be found in the Family Portal.
Because of our masking policy and outdoor aspect, we intend to stay open even if there has been a positive exposure on campus. We will alert families and staff of the exposure as soon as possible, so that each family can adhere to the exclusion & quarantine policies as it applies to their family.
1. After a Positive Test Result: In order to return to school, the individual must have quarantined for 10 days (or more) AND be symptom free for 24 hours without medication.
2. COVID exposure or COVID symptoms:
Fully Vaccinated Adults: In order to return to school, the individual must have quarantined for 5 days (or more) and qualify for line 1 or 2 below:
1: AND be symptom free for 24 hours without medication.
Upon returning to school they must wear a tightly fitted mask for an additional 5 days.
An option to extend quarantine to the full 10 days is available if the individual is struggling to wear their mask properly.
2: AND attains a negative test result if not symptom free.
Upon returning to school they must wear a tightly fitted mask for an additional 5 days.
An option to extend quarantine to the full 10 days is available if the individual is struggling to wear their mask properly.
Unvaccinated or Not Fully Vaccinated Adults and all Children: In order to return to school, the individual must have quarantined for 10 days (or more) AND be symptom free for 24 hours without medication.
3. Household Illness: Symptoms have subsided, negative COVID test, or clearance by a medical professional.
4. Household Quarantine: Quarantine requirements have been fulfilled.
Tuition is vital to our community. Woodhaven School could not function in the same manner as it does without all of our monthly tuition dollars. Missed days due to COVID or COVID exposure will not be refunded. In light of these unprecedented times, we direct any families experiencing hardship to view our Scholarship Policy and reach out to our Scholarship Committee.
Health Organizations/Information
Local Authorities
Portions of this document were copied from: